Animal Tarot Pouch

Craft Category:
Start Date: July 8, 2022
Finish Date: July 9, 2022


Yarn: Onxy Fiber Arts DK, Burst colorway. Used 32 grams from leftovers from a hat project.

Hook: F


This yarn was left over from a hat I made for Emma a couple of years ago, and it’s the perfect colors to coordinate with the palette of the Oriens Animal Tarot deck. As with my previous pouches, I’m just winging the design. I’ll add some details later.


Roughly, here’s what I did (note that I am NOT well versed in crochet terminology so this is not meant to be a professional crochet documentation…it is written in US terms tho):

Chain 16. Turn. (This was the size roughly of the width of my deck that I was going to be putting in the pouch.)
From here, you’re working in the round, not turning.
Hdc into 14 chains. 4 Hdc into the 15th chain.
Continue around doing Hdc into the other side of the same chain stitches. When you reach the end, do 4 Hdc into the last stitch.
Continue doing Hdc down the straight edge, do 4 Hdc at the end, continue again Hdc down the other straight edge, and finally 4 more Hdc into last stitch on the other end.
(Note that I did this many increases to accommodate the size of the deck I was putting in my pouch. You can do more or fewer increases as needed for what you are using your pouch for.)
You’re finished increasing. Now we’re going to work upward.
First round, Hdc into the back of each stitch.
After completing that round, simply Hdc into each stitch until the pouch is as tall as you want it to be.
Once you have your height and are ready to do the flap, Hdc across the number of stitches you need at the back of your pouch to form the flap. In this case, I did 15. Chain 2. Turn.
Repeat this last row until your flap is as long as you’d like it to be.
Once your flap is the desired length, create the first tie by chaining as many stitches as it will take to make it long enough to wrap behind the pouch to the other side and be able to tie.
Join yarn at the other corner of flap and repeat your chain for a second tie, same length.
Either weave in your ends, or add beads or do whatever you’d like. Mine are just hanging as I haven’t decided what I want to do with them yet. Weave in any other ends.

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