Hanging Flowery Ball

Craft Category:
Start Date: February 6, 2023
Finish Date: February 6, 2023


Pattern: Valentine’s Rose Ball, by Jennifer Dickerson/Fiber Flux. The pattern is on Raverly, but I made it following the video tutorial on YouTube.

Yarn: Various leftovers of Fibernymph Dye Works Bona Fide DK and Beguiled DK

Hook: J


I saw the tutorial video for this project this morning on YouTube and thought, huh, I should try making a rose…


I crocheted 25 flowers out of various colors of leftover DK, mostly my Bona Fide and Beguiled bases. I only ended up needing 24 to cover a 2.5″ styrofoam ball. Each rose used 2 grams of yarn.

Can I point out the combination of miracles that had to cone together to make this: I a) remembered I had styrofoam balls, b) was able to find them in the first place I looked, c) was able to find my good glue gun AND glue sticks, and d) had appropriate ribbon handy? This never happens.

I have a bunch more balls and a bunch more scrap yarn, and since some of the balls are smaller I’m considering playing with fingering weight roses…and maybe roses made with fingering and mohair…at least until I burn myself out of this rabbit hole. LOL

This project also goes towards my goal of using 1,000 grams of leftovers.

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